One tradition we're starting this year (that I wish I'd been doing all along and not just picking up two years later) is a first day "All About Me" page from Thirty Handmade Days.
These are adorable and were so much fun! They're designed for traditional school kids, but we just filled in "mom" for teacher and went on. They cover the basic stats and current favorites, as well as "when I grow up I want to..." I was half expecting one of the boys to finish that sentence with "explode stuff and live off candy", but nope. They opted for "be a race car driver" and "be a fireman". Go figure. Anyway, I thought it would be a great handwriting sample for the ones who were old enough to write, and a great snapshot of them through the years. There's even a place for you to attach a picture of them on their first day, so we snapped some pictures after lunch (good practice for me since I've been learning to use my camera on manual instead of full auto).
Snaggle-toothed little Miss Teflon herself
Cy the Guy with the Big Blue Eyes
My mischief maker, Felix
Hmm...definitely seeing a family resemblance!
I have to admit, besides the mad scramble for last minute readiness, I've been dreading the First Day for another reason. You see, it's my first year teaching more than one kid and I've been more than a little nervous about how this whole "teaching two kids while a third runs amok" thing would go. Last year was challenging enough, what with our oldest's microscopic attention span and superhuman ability to fall out of any seat (Just call her Teflon Girl! Able to slide off a chair without even noticing! Able to hit the floor with more force than the laws of physics allow!). Okay, so it wasn't that bad (in fact it was pretty great), but she is quite the wiggle worm and Ms. Social Butterfly has trouble tuning out her overly exuberant little brothers during lessons because, well, it's more fun to talk to them. So adding a kindergartener to the mix was something I was secretly kind of dreading. How on earth was I going to get them both to stay on task at the same time?!
Turns out I shouldn't have worried. I should have known better. It went great! Everybody had a great day! Of course they did! My kids are awesome! Gwennie has figured this school thing out and Cy has better powers of concentrations than most grown men (that's his super power). AND we were done by 1:30! I can't remember the last time we were done by 1:30 even with one student! Amazing. So with that little ego boost I'm now feeling like I might have this homeschooling thing down! Until Felix starts Kindergarten and I have a Kinder, a 2nd grader, and a 4th grader at least... Dun dun duuuuun!!!
Now just to maintain that level of fantasticness for 179 more days...
~ Krystal
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